Bad Art I Am Compelled To Share

Friday, October 06, 2006

Beat but Good

I'm tired, I'm hungry and I'm constipated, but I feel good. The last couple of weeks have been emotionally draining for me. Hence my lack of appearing anywhere on the blog-o-sphere and my late entry for last week's Illustration Friday. The emotional drain is letting up as things get worked out. I am also benefiting greatly from the things being worked out. Which, hopefully I can talk about soon. (I know, what a tease, but how else am I gonna keep you reading my blog. Bwhahahahahaha…)

Anyhow, now I'm physically busy, I just arrived home from an overnight trip to Bend for a performance. Now I need to shower and shave, then take a drive out to Forest Grove for another show, Then I perform right here in Stumptown on Saturday, my birthday, then Sunday is a tech rehearsal and football. All of which means another late appearance for this week's Illustration Friday.

Sorry Loves.

I hope this goofy little sketch and poor excuse will hold you over until I can get back in the flow. "Beat but good" was drawn on a blue post-it note with my Gel-Roller, and then colored in Photoshop, all while I was making banana pancakes for Gorky and me. How's that for talent?

Do you have a recipe for banana pancakes? Do you want to leave me some love?


  • How about a recepie for Bananas Foster?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 18:47  

  • Yes, you are an awful tease!
    No, I don't have a recipe...why don't you share yours? love

    By Blogger Janet, at 19:42  

  • Just LOVE

    By Blogger TheyDHD, at 00:45  

  • Happy Birthday!



    By Blogger Caroline, at 13:40  


    By Blogger Janet, at 16:15  

  • happy bday!


    By Blogger elegraph, at 17:40  

  • Happy Birthday.. and happy banana pancake day, that sounds so good right now! :-)

    And good luck with the constipation.

    By Blogger Chandira, at 11:44  

  • Many happy returns for your big day, have a banana for me. If you were a mathematician with constipation you could at least work it out with a pencil..boom boom.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 04:11  

  • happy late birthday unknown...hope the pancakes were delicious!! Much Birthday Love, Lee

    By Blogger Lee, at 13:33  

  • Hellow Love!

    By Blogger Anonymous, at 22:54  

  • happy birthday, lover =)

    By Blogger kat@ohmtastic, at 16:55  

  • pancake mix + strawberries. hoping you get rested up soon.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 18:48  

  • Mmmmmmmm pancakes

    Hope you had a happy Birthday

    By Blogger Charles, at 14:49  

  • travelingmermaid: Ta Da! Look up.

    janet: Hee, hee.
    I have shared the recipe. Happy now?! HAPPY!? :-P

    whimspiration: Just :-)

    caroline: :-) Thanks.

    janet: :-) Thanks.

    kg: :-) Thanks.

    jamie: :-) Thanks.

    chandira: Thanks. :-)
    And heh, heh. Thanks. (blush) :-P

    detlef: Thanks and Ugg... :-p

    lee: Thanks. :-)
    They were and thanks.

    anonymous: HI! :-)

    kat@ohmtastic: Thanks. :-)

    ascenderrisesabove: Those are good too! Thanks. :-)

    charles: Mmmmmmmmmm... stop by and I'll make some!

    By Blogger The Unknown, at 17:28  

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