Forgotten Art
This is an old self portrait, I had completely forgotten about it. I just happened to come across it while I was cleaning out some boxes in the basement. I painted it about eight years ago.
I was trying to copy a photo, taken of me in a hotel room. In the photo, my mouth is still swollen from having four wisdom teeth pulled the week before. I can't remember what town we were in, but it was about ten hours NW of Flagstaff.
We checked into the hotel and I went for a walk while she took a bath. On the walk I dropped five dollars into a slot machine and won fifty. She snapped this picture of me right after my walk, just before I took a bath.
Here's the original photo.
Do you still have your wisdom teeth? Do you want to leave me some love?
In my last post, I said this piture was so bad I wasn't going to post it, but then I had a beer and decided, what the Hell.
This was my original concept for the Illustration Friday theme moon. If you want to know what it has to do with the theme, you'll have to read my last post.
OK. Because I know you're going to read my last post, here's a little treat.
A picture of cute, cute, Pepe, enjoying some fresh air and art. Enjoy!
Did you read my last post? Did you leave me some love?
This is my picture for Illustration Friday, the theme is moon. "Moon" was drawn on a piece of scrap paper, with my Gel-Roller, then colored in PhotoStudio. This illustration is actually a clipping from my last post.
Just yesterday, I was thinking, that this is probably the best moon I've ever drawn. Then, when I found out today's IF theme was moon, I thought this is a no-brainer.
How fortuitous.
OK. In truth, I tried to drawn a picture of my old, Chevy Corsica, but it looked so awful I didn’t want to post it. (When I don’t want to post bad art, on a bad art blog, it must be really bad.)
Why was I trying to draw a picture of my car if the theme is moon?
Before my Corsica stopped running, it traveled 477,992 miles. That's what some people call "Lunar Mileage", because it's enough mileage to get to the moon and back.
Do you have a car with lunar mileage? Even though, I have lots of mileage, are you going to leave me some love?
When Cats Dream
This is a goofy illustration I did today, on a piece of scrap paper, with my Gel-Roller. I colored it with Photostudio.
I must have been inspired by Pepe. He likes to sleep upside-down on the desk whenever I'm on the PC. He twitches a lot while he's sleeping. I think this must be what he's dreaming about.
By the way:
Gorky is starting to think about blogging more often. In Fact, right now, she has a new post up. It's about how she's leaving for Poland soon. I don't know what I'm going to do for two weeks while she’s gone. Just me and the twitchy cats. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!
Anyhow, please go read her post, and leave her some love, and let her know how nice everyone is on the internets.
Do your cats dream? Do you dream about leaving me some love?
This is my picture for Illustration Friday the theme is poem. "Poem" was drawn on the back of a page from my "Get Fuzzy" desk calendar, with my new, Precise Grip, Extra Fine, Gel-Roller.
AH! I have betrayed my Gel-Roller!
I whipped this picture out in about 20 minutes. It’s supposed to be Edgar Allen Poe.
Get it?
It's a Poe-ehm!
Bwhahahahahahahaha… ehm.
I didn’t want this weeks illustration to take as long as last weeks. (Which I finished just last night at about 10:23.) Besides that, I have a big show tonight and not a lot of time.
Who’s your favorite poet? Who you going to leave some love?
This is my picture for Illustration Friday the theme is discovery. "Discovery" was made with watercolor pencils and my Gel-Roller on watercolor paper.
I got this one in just under the wire. It's supposed to be a picture, of one of those moments, when you discover things aren't exactly the way you thought they were.
Originally I was going to do a bunch of small sketches depicting moments like the one above, in all sorts of different locations, but I got so into the first picture, I decided to do a big watercolor of the first sketch.
This is the original sketch.
I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. Even if it did take me all week to finish.
It's been a pretty emotional week for me. I think I had a moment like the one above. I was going to go into a lot of detail, but I'm tired and I have a big show tomorrow.
I did learn; Beware who you go into business with. (this refers to "Knife", not LW.) I also got a small raise this week and a heavy dose of, wake-up-dumb-ass and I sold a painting at a silent auction to benefit FFRT. It sold for $40.00.
Feet and Bonus Footage. This is the painting that sold.
Anyhow, Loves, I need some sleep.
When was your last moment of discovery? When was the last time you left me some love?
This is my picture for Illustration Friday the theme is geeky. "Geeky" is a watercolor pencils and ink drawing on watercolor paper.
Blah! I don’t know what’s wrong with me. This is too cute. I need to go punch a pony, or kick a puppy.
I'll have to come up with something mean soon or I'm going to lose my edge.
Well, I have to run. I have to get to the silent auction.
I’ll post something tomorrow and let you all know how it went and what two pieces I donated.
Do you still have an edge? Do you still want to leave me some love?
Face Mask of Love
This is a plaster-cast of my face. I made it a several years ago for a production of "Hair". This production of "Hair" is where I first met Gorky. She was the choreographer and she used to yell at me because I couldn’t remember the dance steps. Hee, hee.
I love you sweetie.
Gorky and I are going on vacation for a week. I'll most likely be off line until then, I leave you with this picture of Pepe, passed out by the PC.
Have you ever passed out by the PC? Have you left me some love?