My First Art Show at the CoHo
My mother always said, "The good things don't come easy." I sure hope this turns out to be a good thing because it has not been easy. However, it has been a great learning experience. So, the next time should be a snap. This time however, I am left with a ton of unusable test prints, three broken frames and an empty bank account.
I did manage to put together fifteen of my favorite pictures though. They are;
Shoe Fly
Peace Cat
Angel/Devil II
Fat Cats
Dream 1
Corporate Toad
Cat Head
Bunny Cake
Broke Bush Mt.
I made a clock out of Self Portrait x 3
And a couple of small versions of Tea.
Now, all I have to do is sit back and wait for the cash to start rolling in.
OK, probably not, but at least this is one less thing on my plate and maybe I can start blogging again on a regular basis.
I've missed you Loves.
Are you having a busy 2007? Are you going to leave me some love?
WHAT no exhibition opening where you are a Star? Congrats :) BUSY! Love.
By Anonymous, at 14:11
Yay! I've found you again! AND just in time to leave you some love along with a great big: CONGRATULATIONS!!! Hope your show is a huge success!
By Dorko, at 17:09
omg, this is SOOOO coooool! Congratulations, Love. You will do well. I loved that shoefly. LOL
By Anonymous, at 21:03
How wonderful! I heartily approve of your choices...angel/devil has always been a favorite of mine because I am both angel and devil. (As are most)
I missed you! Love to you and your lady!
By Anonymous, at 16:13
Congrats Unknown, that's sooooo cool - does that mean we have to share you with the real world??? Big Love!!!
By Lee, at 11:47
anonymous: Ha! Not yet. :-)
dorko: Yeah!
Thanks and thank. :-)
i miss you VERY much: I miss you too and thanks Love.
I couldn't have done it without you.
travelingmermaid: Thanks and thanks and thanks. :-)
lee: Thanks!
Well, so far only 20 people have seen my art show.
So, you only have to share with 20 other people. :-)
By The Unknown, at 13:27
Well...lookie what the cat drug in!!!
Glad to see you again, congrats are in order!
~love love love
(just to make up for lost time:)
By LDahl, at 18:49
Awesome!! I see my favouriet cats there. I loved that one.. :-)
Good luck!!!
By Chandira, at 16:14
Too bad I was not there.... I would have bought some.... :) But
WestCoast is sooooooooo far! :)
Love your art, especially the cats! :)
FarfarAway Love.
By merlinprincesse, at 16:12
i like angus... 'cold' not sure why he is my favorite... prehaps its the simplicity.
By Helene, at 21:00
This is just FAN-TAS-TIC! :O)
It must has been very difficult to choose...
Next step... a book!
Tell me when you'll find the editor! I wanna write one of the texts! Hey, I'm an art historian too! :O)
And I missed you...
By Clo, at 15:06
...and I'm glad you didn't use the sketch of the ugly pig!!!
Oinky love!
By crazzy piggy, at 15:09
i've been busy, too! but you, have been busy and have had something to show for it! congrats, love.
By {illyria}, at 02:56
Groovie! Good luck to you!
By Tony LaRocca, at 10:31
I can't wait to see a big, fat book of yours on fancy coffe tables all over this great nation.
lotsa love
By You've Got What I Need..., at 07:25
By vanishingword, at 19:00
By Kim de Young, at 09:13
Glamtrashy LoVe just for you, natch!
Cool art show, honey bunny.
Creative kisses,
The Tart
; *
By TheTart, at 05:09
ldahl: I guess the cat drug me right back out. Heh, heh.
Belated thanks and thanks.
chandira: Aww.. (blush)
Thanks! That one sold. :-)
merlinprincesse: Well, when I have a show near you I'll let you know. And then I'll take your money. :-P
kate: I like that one a lot too. It was really kind of a happy accident.
And it sold! :-)
clo: Thanks Love.
A book eh? When I first started this blog, I jokingly told myself After 300 posts I would start editing them into a book. I'm about half way there.
crazzy piggy: Thanks and Bah! I bet that one would have sold.
{illyria} Thanks. It was a modest success.
tony larocca: Thanks. :-)
you've got what I need: A book maybe, but I ain't building no coffee table!
BWHAhahahahahahaha... :-p
vanishing world: :-)
princess pepper cloud: Thanks Love.
the tart: Thanks and thanks and thanks. :-)
By The Unknown, at 09:19
I'm glad the gallery was called COHO instead of MOFO.....then again who knows what it might have meant in improved sales. Anyways, might fine achievement having your own show - well deserved.
By Anonymous, at 18:29
detlef: The show was at COHO and I'm the MOFO from NOPO. :-)
By The Unknown, at 13:12
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